Christianity at Work was born in 2006 out of a desire to help Christian men and women see their vocation in light of what God is doing in the world – as an integral part of God’s kingdom. Often Christians in a “secular” vocation are viewed as second-class Christians, while those in “ministry” are viewed as being on another spiritual plain. Consequently, Christians often live in a secular/sacred dichotomy – viewing their vocation as secondary to their lives as Christians, and their lives as secondary to God’s kingdom work.
The call of Jesus Christ on every Christian to “make disciples of all nations” suggests the need for a different view of work. Furthermore, the message of the Gospel itself demands a different view of how one is to live their life out in the world. It is not enough to leave evangelism and discipleship to the “professionals.” Professionals of all vocations need to embrace Jesus’ call and be challenged to live according to His Gospel.
It is true that all Christians are not called into a vocation of full-time Christian ministry. But all Christians, no matter their vocation, are called to serve Christ in all they do. Christianity at Work provides a Scriptural, Theological foundation for such service and practical resources to make it a reality in every Christians’ life.